Weekly Bulletin and Announcements
July 17, 2022...10:30 a.m.
Welcome and Announcements
Pastor Ted Wood
Ministry Moment
Jo Marczuk
Worship in Song
Standing on the Promises
The Church’s One Foundation
Children’s Message
Mark McVige
Director of Children & Family Ministry
Morning Prayer
Pastor Ted Wood
Worship in Song
Goodness Love and Mercy
The Reason
A Firm Foundation– When Jesus Christ is Lord!
1 Corinthians 8:5-8
Pastor Ted Wood
Holy Communion
Beverly Ingraham
Closing Worship
Goodness Love and Mercy
Pastor Ted Wood
We are so grateful and blessed to have each of you in worship today! Our FL Conference leaders continue to request that we wear masks if you have not been vaccinated, social distance as much as possible and stay home if you do not feel well in any way. We appreciate everyone’s help and look forward to continuing to worship with each of you in Jesus’ name! Each of you are loved, appreciated and vital to our church family!
The “Lets Connect” card in your bulletin is a great communication tool. Please use it to register your attendance and update your address, email address, phone number and date of birth. On the back of the card is a place for your prayer request and praise reports. If you would like a card mailed from the church to someone in need of encouragement, please include their address. Prayer concerns are lifted up weekly by our staff.
Pursuit Student Ministry is meeting tonight at the Cheffer house for a pool party and grill out with hot dogs and smores from 4-7pm. Girls please bring a 2 L of soda, tea or lemonade to share. Boys please bring a bag a chips to share. For more info contact heather@casselberrychurch.org
Bennett’s Big Band is the entertainment for the July 20th Golden Years. The menu consists of BBQ Chicken, Deviled Eggs, Corn Salad, 3 Bean Salad, Rolls, Cake and Ice Cream. Make your reservations now by signing up at the Information Center or by calling the church office at 407-831-3777. The cost is only $7.00.
The BLOOD Mobile will be on our campus on Wednesday, July 20th from 9am-2pm and we encourage you to give. There will be “freebies” and we will let you know what they are as soon as we are notified!
On Friday, July 29th, we have the great opportunity of going to Leesburg and providing a Jesus Dance for the campers at Camp Pioneer! The campers are mentally challenged adults who will have camped all week with one another and who love to dance, do craft projects and eat ice cream. This event is one of the best outreach events of the year! So, plan now to attend. The church van will leave the church at 3:00pm and return around 10:30pm that night. John and Kathy Hicks (former pastors of our church) sponsor this camp each year. Kay Johnson, Ella Thornton and Diane Thornton will serve as camp counselors during that week. YOU WILL BE BLESSED!!! Sign up now as space is limited.
The beginning of school is quickly approaching and kids are going to need supplies! Beginning today, there is a collection box in the Narthex for you to place your supply donations. There will also be a Sterling Park Elementary school supply bulletin insert so that you will have a specific list to chose things from. Start watching for sales! Sterling Park is our “adopted” school!!
Community United Methodist Church
Prayer Focus
JULY 10 – 17, 2022
“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1 WE GIVE THANKS FOR:
God’s love and mercy, our military, police, fire departments, medical personnel, teachers, counselors, Ministers, volunteers,
family, and friends. Steve’s generosity to bring bread and desserts to CUMC every week.
“For where two or three gather in my name,
there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20 WE PRAY FOR:
Pastor Ted & family
Heather & family – Youth Director
Doug & family – Business Admin.
Diane & Family - Ministry Outreach
Sue & family – Admin. Assistant
Mark & family – Children’s Ministry
Beverly & family – Music Ministry
Our Church – God’s will to be done
GMC -all pastors – work in hearts of the bishops
"Lord my God, I called to you for help,
and you healed me." PSALM 30:2
WE PRAY FOR: all who are sick and suffering
Annette – strength
Bill – jaw infection
Brittany – healing from gall bladder surgery
Brody - leukemia
Carol – cancer
Cathy – having chemo for leukemia
Chuck M
David – chemo for lung cancer
Diane M – healing
Don S – very weak
Donna – healing
Dottie - healing
Doug S (Janis’ brother) healing from stroke
Elizabeth– pain
Ella - headaches
Emily – 29 year old has one more surgery
Fred A. - Parkinson’s
Ginny –healing
Heather – healing
Jane – hip replacement
Joyce - cancer
Karen – in pain
Kathy - leukemia
Kenzie – born 8 weeks premature
Koren – continued healing
Laura – brain bleed from a fall
Logan – young child with muscle disease
Louise F – home healing
Martha – surgery for large mass on pancreas
Mary –surgery for brain tumor
Mary Anne – to feel better each day
Mike Z – cracked pelvis
Mike – cancer
Pastor Ted
Pat C – A fib and fluid around her heart
Piper – Jack and Barbara’s granddaughter
Rev. Bill Pickett – in Hospice
Rudy – strength
Sandy – cancer
Shawn – healing
Susi – shoulder pain
Suzanne – healing from back injury
Richardson Family – healing
Tammy J – end stage cancer
Ted – crushed pelvis from accident
The Younger’s daughter – healing of back
Continued Healing Prayers for:
All the sick people in our church,
Andrea, Ashlyn, Augustine, Betty M,
Bob L, Bonnie, Carolan, Chuck,
Dale and Lisa S, Diane M., Diane’s mom,
Dick, Donna, Elizabeth, Ellanore, Frank,
Fred, Gail L, Ginny, Jacque, Jaime,
Janet R, Jim, Joyce, Judy, Kahnl, Karen,
Koren, Lee, Maria, Marilyn, Mary B,
Mary, my father, Pat F, Piper, Paula,
Phill, Ricky, Sarah, Shawn B,
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way,
and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father
except through me.” John 14:6
WE PRAY FOR: For all who are lost and suffering,
all our families and friends, All those suffering with
sickness, disease, and addictions: spoken and unspoken,
Unity, open hearts and minds, Spiritual strength
“And he said to them, “Go into all
the world and proclaim the gospel to
the whole creation.” Mark 16:15
WE PRAY FOR: Johnny and Rachael Bruder,
Pat & Melinda, NOMADS, Carol, Lilly, Jenna & Evan,
Our youth group, Nursing Home Outreach
“And my God will supply every need
of yours according to his riches in glory
in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
WE PRAY FOR: An end to COVID, CUMC Youth Group,
Our Sunday School Class to honor God,
All our families, children, grandchildren, and their
walks with God. Annette’s daughter in law,
All suffering with depression and anxiety,
Austin -get a space in the August Fire Academy,
Barclay family, Bonnie, Bridger and Jojo,
Carol as she takes care of Fred, Caroline,
Dick, Donna H, family issues, health and safety
of NOMADS, Heidi, Jack, Jamie and family,
Jason’s family, Jayden, Janet – peace for her as
she takes care of Patti and nephew,
Methodist Children’s Home, Mike, My family,
Nolan, Oksana’s family in Ukraine, Penny, Phil, Ray, Robin,
Rhonda, Safe travels, Sandy, Schools, Shawn,
Sue in a new season of life, Thomas, Tiffany, Tina, Wilma,
Volunteers for children’s ministry, students,
school staff, bus drivers, crossing guards, all treating,
researching Covid and cancer, all who have Dementia.
Families whose loved ones took their own lives.
Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so
fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Unspoken – 5, Brooklyn, Carol, Dick, Dale, Dave &
Dave & family, Diane M, Donna, Donovan, Jason,
Lacy, London,
“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal
their land.” 2Chronicles 7:14 WE PRAY FOR: Our country,
President Biden, VP Harris, and all leaders; protection for our children, our troops and their families, first responders, veterans, the homeless, reduction in debt and financial recovery, Congress, Unity among all our citizens. Let us listen to each other with open ears, hearts, and minds. Let us put aside our egos, respect other points of view and find common
ground. Direct us to work together with patience, tolerance, and Christian Love.
“Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your
promise to your servant.” Psalm 119:76
All who are grieving the loss of a precious loved one. Heather and Scott, Families of Paul Banfield, Ed Cooper, Everett Hall, and Roy Sampley. Ginny on the loss of Jim. People in hospitals, rehab.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
God’s Children all over the world, People of Ukraine, End the war, End of violence and hatred, Persecuted Christians, WORLD PEACE, Samaritan’s Purse, Eradicate Corona Virus, Orphans