Community Church Weekly Bulletin
Order of Worship and Announcements

Welcome to Worship!
We are so glad you are here today!
Our mission is to reach those not yet reached
for Jesus Christ and grow together into
fully-devoted followers of Him.
4921 South U.S. Highway 17/92
Casselberry, Florida 32707-3813
Phone: (407) 831-3777
Check out our website at
Find us on social media at:

February 23, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.

Welcome and Announcements
Pastor Ted Wood

Songs of Praise
Leaning  On The Everlasting Arms
Hymnal page 61

Morning Prayer
Pastor Ted Wood

All The Praise
Worship Choir

Worship In Song
Jesus Your Mercy
Living Hope

There is No One Better Than Jesus!...Pt. 7
Hebrews 7
Pastor Ted Wood

Holy Communion Celebration

Closing Worship

Pastor Ted Wood

Holy Communion is celebrated weekly here at Community Church.  We invite you to participate!  The bread and the cup represent the tremendous love of Jesus Christ for all people and signify the sacrifice of Himself on the cross of Calvary to bring us forgiveness for our sins.  As you come, prepare your heart as scripture states with repentance from all known sin, faith in Jesus Christ, and expectation of God’s Holy Spirit doing a new work of grace in your life!  (NOTE:  Gluten free is available on the right side of the sanctuary.  Please notify the server as you come).


Welcome to Community Church, a Global Methodist Church! Please fill out the “Let’s Connect” card in this bulletin. Please fill out both sides of the card, and indicate any changes to your personal information.  On the back of the card, please share any requests, praises, or special needs.
This Saturday, March 1st at 10am, our church staff would like to honor ALL of the church volunteers with a brunch and a time of fellowship. This will be held in the Fellowship Hall. Please make your reservations by signing up at the Information Desk or by calling the church office at 407-831-3777. Thank you!

Are you aware that the Missions Team collects food each month for Sterling Park Elementary' Food Pantry? Be sure and check the insert for the specific food that is needed for this month. There are baskets in the Fellowship Hall and the church office for you to deposit your donations. Thank you.

Confirmation for youth & young adults continues!  We are meeting during the Sunday School hour (9:00 am) in the Christian Life Center (CLC) each Sunday which began Feb. 16th and continues through Apr. 13th.  Please be in prayer for these youth and young adults as they prepare to profess their faith, be baptized and become a part of Community Church in membership!

On March 5th we will have an Ash Wednesday Prayer Experience, and it will be offered twice, from 8-10 am and from 6-8 pm.  The location will be Fellowship Hall.  Ash Wednesday begins the Christian season of Lent, and is a time of prayer, repentance and reflection.  The imposition of ashes will be available at either time.

If you consider yourself a senior adult then come and join our active group who love to go places and lunch together. March 11, we be strolling through Leu Gardens (at our own pace) and then eating lunch at Tibby's New Orleans Kitchen in Winter Park. Cost of the trip is $20 for admission into the gardens and gas money plus the cost of your lunch. Pastor Ted or Mark will be our van drivers. Please sign up as space is limited. Then on Wednesday, March 19, for only $8.00, come to the Fellowship Hall and enjoy a delicious homemade lunch of Corned Beef and Cabbage with all the fixins. Sandy's Back Porch Gospel Singing group will entertain us on that date. The fun begins at 11:30am and ends around 1:00pm. Be sure and make your reservations so that there is plenty of food!

A member of our congregation is seeking assistance with transportation to Sunday Worship. Larry Crews is sight impaired and does not drive,  and he would appreciate a ride. If you can assist, please contact Pastor Ted Wood at the church office.

Some technical issues with downloading our church app have hopefully been resolved, so please use the QR codes on the front of the bulletin to download our church app.   It is the easiest way to get information, prayer requests and to sign up for events that are happening at Community Church.  Questions about getting the church app on your phone?  Please check with a Community Church staff member.

2024 was a good year for Community Church!  According to our records, we grew in our average worship attendance each Sunday by 9%, and giving increased so much that we were able to completely eliminate our General Fund financial deficit and finish the year in the “black”.   We praise God for His increase and His blessings in the life of His Church, and we pray for more of His favor, growth and blessings in 2025!

Women in Stitches meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Contact is Stephanie Vickers. Consider becoming a part! Call the church office for info.

If you would like to place flowers on the altar for Sunday morning worship, please fill out a form and attach your payment. Forms are located at the Information Center,
 in the church office, or by calling Sue at 407-831-3777 extension 501.

Friendly reminder that our church Nursery is available ever Sunday for children 4 and under. 

Please see an usher for more information!

The next opportunity to join in Prayer for Our Country on Sunday is March 2 8:30am  Room 19 1st  & 3rd Sunday


Sunday Feb 23  & Mar 2 Children’s Sunday School 9:15am  - 10:15am
Sunday  Feb 23 & Mar 2 Adult Sunday School 9am - 10:15am
Sunday Feb 23 & Mar 2 Worship Service 10:30am  Sanctuary
Sunday Feb 23 & Mar 2 Pursuit Students 4pm-6pm CLC
Wednesday Feb 26 Choir rehearsal 6:30pm Choir Room